Cultural Grants Deadline Extended

The Mass Cultural Council has extended the deadline for all FY21 LCC grant applications to December 14, 2020 at 11:59 pm, EST. In addition, the Worthington Cultural Council will no longer require an identified venue for applicants at least for the 2021 fiscal year unless the proposed project is planned only for in-person participation. The …

Thanksgiving During COVID-19

Below is guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Please, as you plan for the Thanksgiving Holiday, plan on limiting your interactions to those you are already in regular contact with. THOSE IN YOUR CURRENT HOUSEHOLD. Contrary to tradition, THIS IS NOT THE TIME for getting together with family and friends. We offer the …

Comcast Update 11/14/2020

The Comcast buildout is moving along more or less on schedule.  I’ve received a lot of questions about the project’s status.  Here’s what I know…and don’t know. Comcast is building an all-fiber network to our homes and businesses.  That is a change from what was originally proposed, which was a hybrid network of fiber to …

Worthington Library Reopening

The Worthington Library Re-opens Safely on November 10, 2020. The shelves are full of new books, awaiting readers. For everyone’s safety: Masks are required, and one adult at a time is allowed in the building A green light outside means it’s alright to come in. For browsing, gloves and hand sanitizer are required and available …

Meals for Those in Need

With the very generous assistance of the Rabbit Hole, Penny Molyneux and a group of donors, the Town of Worthington will resume providing meals for anyone who may have a need based on finance or access during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Meals will be available for pick-up at the Rabbit Hole on Sundays from 1-1:30pm. Please …