Annual Tree Lighting – December 1, 2024

Kick off the holiday season with usas we light up the town tree! Join us on Sunday, December 1st at 4 PM(rain/snow date: December 8th)It’ll be a magical evening filled with holiday cheer, good company, and festive fun. Highlights include: Bring family, friends, and neighbors to celebrate this Worthington tradition. Don’t forget your hats and …

Burn Ban

Worthington Fire-Rescue Department November 5, 2024 Effective immediately there is a ban on any outdoor burning of any kind during elevated fire weather warnings issued by the National Weather Service, the Department Of Conservation, the Massachusetts Department Of Fire Services, or the Massachusetts Fire Marshall’s office. There is an immediate ban on cooking fires, fire pits, …

Vaccine Clinic: Covid & Flu

The Worthington Board of Heath, in conjunction with the Worthington Council on Aging, are pleased to announce that we will be sponsoring a flu/COVID immunization clinic on October 10 from 1-3pm at the Town Offices. Once again, the people from the Northampton Public Health Shared Services Coalition with be conducting the clinic. The clinic is …

Worthington Fire and Rescue Grant Award!

Congratulations to and thanks for the hard work to the Worthington Fire and Rescue Department on the award of a grant of $10,467.94! On behalf of the Healey-Driscoll administration and the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS), we are pleased to announce the Department of Fire Services (DFS) grant awards for the FY25 …

COA Valentines Pot Luck

Worthington Seniors are invited to A special February Valentines Potluck. Monday, February 10 at noonWorthington Town Hall Senior Grab ‘n Go Meal Thursday, February 20, 2025from 12 noon-1:00 pm at Town Hall.  The menu will be a choice of Breaded Fish and Tartar Sauce, or Butternut Squash Soup, Brussel Sprouts, French Bread, dessert, milk.. To reserve your meal, …

February Senior Grab ‘n Go Meal

Thursday, February 20, 2024from 12 noon-1:00 pm at Town Hall.  The menu will be a choice of Breaded Fish and Tartar Sauce, or Butternut Squash Soup, Brussel Sprouts, French Bread, dessert, milk.. To reserve your meal, please call or text 238-1999  by Sunday, February 16 and tell us your name , number of meals and the …