The Town of Worthington is seeking custodial/cleaning services for the Town Hall. Tasks include: Trash collection Cleaning several offices Cleaning a small kitchen Cleaning two bathrooms Cleaning the meeting hall Other tasks common to janitorial services. Applicants should submit a letter of interest with pertinent applicable experience no later than June 30, 2019. A list …
Author: Charley Rose
News from R.H. Conwell – 7/10/19
Student Artwork Display
Artwork by R.H. Conwell students is currently on display at the Worthington Library. A reception will be held on Saturday, June 8 at 1pm. Refreshents will be served. All members of the community are invited to come and show support for our budding artists. If you can’t make the reception, be sure to stop by …
New Experiences at R.H. Conwell
News from R.H. Conwell Elementary – 6/3/2019
The late Art and Peg Rolland established a scholarship fund to benefit citizens of Worthington seeking to further their educational goals. The annual interest earned on the Fund is distributed each year to qualified students by a committee consisting of the Town Clerk, a member of the Board of Selectmen and a School Committee member. …
News From R.H. Conwell 5/20/2019
Founders’ Day 2019
The Town of Worthington will celebrate the anniversary of its founding with a community-wide pot-luck dinner and celebration on June 29, 2019. The event will take place under a tent on the lawn next to Town Hall on Huntington Road beginning at 5 p.m. Live music will be provided by Pete McLean’s Old Country Road …