Town of WorthingtonBoard of Health160 Huntington Rd. Box 247Worthington, MA 01098238-5577 x 106 boardofhealth@worthington.ma.us At their meeting on Saturday, May 2, 2020 the Worthington Board of Health adopted the following Order issued by Governor Charles Baker on May 1, 2020. This Order is effective Wednesday, May 6, 2020, and shall remain in effect until rescinded or …

MASK ADVISORY (4/27/20 Update)

In response to the rising incidence of COVID-19 cases in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Town of Worthington Board of Health issued the following emergency order on April 26, 2020: All consumers and employees must wear face coverings at all times when social distancing cannot be maintained at any businesses or locations providing essential services …

Comcast/Broadband Update (4/27/2020)

First, the good news:  You may have heard that the Governor announced that unserved and underserved communities like ours would be offered free 250mbps temporary hot spots for students and others to use.  As you probably know, we have open WiFi hotspots now at Town Hall, the R. H. Conwell School and the Library. They …

Don’t Forget Your Regular Medical Care

Fears about going to a hospital or doctor’s office for non-COVID-related symptoms have led many people to delay seeking needed medical attention. When people finally do seek care, they are often sicker; perhaps facing an emergency, life-threatening situation. Please know that because of heightened infection control practices, health care is safe and available, and medical …

Real Estate, Personal Property & Excise Tax Relief

In accordance with House Resolution Number 4586, signed by Governor Baker, the Worthington Select Board voted Tuesday night, April 21, 2020, to waive late fees for tax payments till June 1.   The bill allows municipalities to waive late-payment penalties for 4th quarter tax bills, which are due May 1 and to extend those deadlines to …

School Not Reopening

Dear Community: This afternoon Governor Baker announced that students will not return to school for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.  This is disappointing news for all of us.  Our dedicated faculty at will continue to work with families in order to provide deep learning opportunities for all students. In the coming weeks, I …

Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Survey

The Towns of Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, and Worthington are collaborating with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), residents, and stakeholders on strategies to reduce vulnerability and adapt to our changing climate through the State’s Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program.  The core directive of the MVP program is to engage community stakeholders to facilitate the education, …