2019 Revised School Budget

The School Committee voted on April 26, 2019 to accept the revised Fiscal Year 2020 budget below, to be presented at Town Meeting on May 4, 2019. Excel version for download. PDF version for dowload Previous budgets can be found on the School District web page.

Comcast Update 4/28/2019

As you may know, according to the agreement that Comcast made with the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) and agreed to by the Town of Worthington, they were required to reach at least 96% of the residences in Worthington in exchange for a financial commitment from the state and town.  Ultimately last fall we were able …

Steve Kulik Honored

The Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) held a special board meeting at the Worthington Town Hall on Friday, April 12, 2019. At the meeting they honored the former State Representative for his work in the legislature to bring broadband to the unserved towns of western Massachusetts. The MBI presented Steve with a special glass sculpture inscribed: …

Don’t Poop on My Lawn!

Picture this:  It’s a beautiful early spring day, the snow has largely melted and the pre-school students at R.H. Conwell gleefully emerge into the sunshine to run, play, and enjoy themselves on the school grounds.  As recess concludes and the students begin to re-enter the school, a not unfamiliar odor is in the air.  It’s …

Council on Aging Coordinator – Open Position

Part time position, currently twelve hours per week. Primary responsibilities are: Managing and developing programs and activities under supervision of COA Board; Identifying and working with providers, volunteers, and funding sources; outreach and response to seniors or family members in need of information or assistance; establish working relationships with local, regional, state and other entities …

Worthington Democratic Committee Meeting

Thursday, March 28, 2019 from 7-8:30pm Worthington Town Hall The Worthington Democratic Committee will be holding a town hall style meeting with Representative Natalie Blais. The event will feature questions and answers about what’s currently being worked on in the legislature, goals for our district, and more broadly our commonwealth.  The event is open to …