HAPPY SPRING WORTHINGTON SENIORS Join us for a cruise on the Lady Bea. May 31, 2019. Enjoy lunch at the Boat House Restaurant at Brunelle’s Marine, South Hadley (Lunch tabs will be handled on an individual basis.) Meet the Easy Ride Van at the Worthington Congregational Church at 9:45AM. Arrive home by 4:00PM. Lunch will …
Author: Charley Rose
Group Hike on the Highlands Foot Path
Join a group hike in Worthington on Sunday June 16, 2019 on the Highlands Footpath. Beginning at 2 p.m. at the Red Bucket Sugar Shack on Kinne Brook Road, 3 miles in from the end with Rt. 112. This moderate level hike will head north on paved road, then onto dirt road, then onto a trail through the woods. Around and back to the Red Bucket for a total of approximately 4 miles. Observe the changing landscape of stonewalls, wildlife and native vegetation. Be sure to pack water for hydration, a snack for energy, insect repellent to keep away some bugs and a light jacket. Try to arrive 15-30 minutes early in order to stretch and orient to the Highlands Footpath. For questions, call Pat Kennedy: 238-5560
Town Meeting & Election Results
Town Meeting passed all Warrant Articles at Saturday morning’s Town Meeting. Article 3, $179,015.63 to fund the additional constrtuction by Comcast to the 13 homes not included in the original design, passed by a vote of 95-4. The Town Election results are below: SELECTMAN(FOR THREE YEARS) Vote for One91 votes – Amy Wang ASSESSOR(FOR THREE …
COA Events
The Worthington Council on Aging will host its monthly potluck on May 13, 2019, beginning at noon, at the Worthington Town Hall. Please call Pat at 238-5560 if you need a ride. The Worthington Council on Aging will host two day trips, the first on May 31, and the second on June 28, to mystery locations! Save the dates! Details to follow.
Town Meeting & Elections
Saturday, May 4, 2019 is Town Meeting day. Town election voting will open at Town Hall at 8:30am, an hour earlier this year, to help give everyone time to vote before town meeting. Polls close at 12:30am. Town meeting will begin at 9:30 in the gym/cafeteria at R.H. Conwell School. Sample Ballot Download a PDF …
R.H. Conwell News 4/29/2019
2019 Annual Town Meeting
TOWN OF WORTHINGTON ANNUAL TOWN MEETING May 4, 2019 – 9:30 AM Download a PDF of the 2019 Annual Town Meeting Warrant The R.H. Conwell Parent Teachers Organization will have snacks and coffee available and donations are welcomed. Childcare for the Town Meeting will be provided in the kindergarten room. Hampshire ss: To either of …
2019 Revised School Budget
The School Committee voted on April 26, 2019 to accept the revised Fiscal Year 2020 budget below, to be presented at Town Meeting on May 4, 2019. Excel version for download. PDF version for dowload Previous budgets can be found on the School District web page.
Comcast Update 4/28/2019
As you may know, according to the agreement that Comcast made with the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) and agreed to by the Town of Worthington, they were required to reach at least 96% of the residences in Worthington in exchange for a financial commitment from the state and town. Ultimately last fall we were able …