On Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. at the Worthington Town Hall, 160 Huntington Road, Worthington, MA, the Town’s Tax Title Custodian acting on behalf of the Town of Worthington and in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 60, Section 77B, OFFERED FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION the hereinafter described property acquired by the Town through Tax Title Foreclosure. Bidder registration will commence at 10:00 a.m.
The final sale prices for each property are listed below.
$4,000 – A certain parcel of land with a building thereon located at 311 Huntington Road in Worthington, Massachusetts, containing 2.78 acres of land, more or less, shown on Assessor’s Map 408, Parcel 68.1, and being the premises described in a Judgment in Tax Lien Case recorded with the Hampshire Registry of Deeds in Book 12336, Page 330. A Two Thousand Dollar ($2,000.00) deposit will be required to pre-qualify for auction participation.
$45,000 – A certain parcel of land with a building thereon located at 418 Old North Road in Worthington, Massachusetts, containing 38.27 acres of land, more or less, shown on Assessor’s Map 406, Parcel 8, and being the premises described in a Judgment in Tax Lien Case recorded with the Hampshire Registry of Deeds in Book 12745, Page 90. A Two Thousand Dollar ($2,000.00) deposit will be required to pre-qualify for auction participation.
Unsold – A certain parcel of land located at Bashan Hill Road (Rear) in Worthington, Massachusetts, containing 0.56 acres of land, more or less, shown on Assessor’s Map 404, Parcel 22, and being the premises described in a Judgment in Tax Lien Case recorded with the Hampshire Registry of Deeds in Book 5879, Page 268. A Two Thousand Dollar ($2,000.00) deposit will be required to pre-qualify for auction participation.
$100 – A certain parcel of land located at River Road in Worthington, Massachusetts, containing 1.6 acres of land, more or less, shown on Assessor’s Map 402, Parcel 18, and being the premises described in a Judgment in Tax Lien Case recorded with the Hampshire Registry of Deeds in Book 11456, Page 25. A Two Thousand Dollar ($2,000.00) deposit will be required to pre-qualify for auction participation.
$11,000 – A certain parcel of land located at Lindsey Hill Road in Worthington, Massachusetts, containing 8.83 acres of land, more or less, shown on Assessor’s Map 403, Parcel 91, and being the premises described in a Judgment in Tax Lien Case recorded with the Hampshire Registry of Deeds in Book 12135, Page 329. A Two Thousand Dollar ($2,000.00) deposit will be required to pre-qualify for auction participation.
Unsold – A certain parcel of land located at Bashan Hill Road in Worthington, Massachusetts, containing 0.69 acres of land, more or less, shown on Assessor’s Map 403, Parcel 57, and being the premises described in a Judgment in Tax Lien Case recorded with the Hampshire Registry of Deeds in Book 5976, Page 81. A Two Thousand Dollar ($2,000.00) deposit will be required to pre-qualify for auction participation.