R. H. Conwell Community News 3/3/23

Worthington School District
147 Huntington Road
Worthington, MA 01098

Dear Community:

As I write this newsletter, the weather channel is calling for some significant snow this evening! I’m happy for the snow to come on the weekends- just not during the school week! Despite a cancellation and 2 hour delay this week, the students transitioned nicely back into their routines after their winter recess.

Please see the various upcoming events below. We are excited to celebrate SPIRIT month during the long month of March. Make sure to put these spirit days in your calendar!

Last Day of School: The last day of school is now June 26 with a Noon Dismissal.

March is Spirit Month:

We would like to encourage everyone to participate in spirit month. See the following dates and themes below!

March 10 – Wacky Hair Day
March 17 – Wear something green
March 24 – Hat Day
March 31 – School Wide Pajama Day

World’s Finest Chocolate:  We are currently selling chocolate bars (still have about 1700 bars) to raise funds for the 5th and 6th graders Nature’s Classroom Trip. There are caramel, dark and milk chocolate, almond, and crisp bars for $1.00 each or $60 for a box! If you are interested in buying some chocolates to support our students please email Lisa at louellet@hr-k12.org or stop by the office!

Used Book Bazaar: The R. H. Conwell PTO will host a Book Bazaar during the week of March 16 and 17th from 9-3 p.m. for students during school hours and will be OPEN to the PUBLIC on Saturday March 18, from 10 am to 4 pm with a Pulled Pork Lunch (sandwich, coleslaw, chips and drink) available for $10.00!!! This will take place in the school cafeteria and all books at the Bazaar will be sold for $2.00.

  • We could use more children’s books! Please consider donating new and gently used books and audiobooks for our preschool through 6th grade students and also family and community members of all ages! Please drop off your donations M-F between the hours of 9-3 at the School’s Main Office.

If you have any questions please email the PTO at worthingtonpto@gmail.com

School Spirit Wear: We are considering placing another order for t-shirts, sweatshirts, hat or scarf. But we thought we would see if there was any interest. If you think you would like to place an order, please email Lisa Ouellet at louellet@hr-k12.org.

Equity Advisory Committee Update: At this year’s Used Book Bazaar Open Hours (March 18), the Equity Advisory committee will be hosting a clothing swap with a focus on spring and summer clothing/gear for youth. Please drop off clean items from your Spring Cleaning from March 16 -18, and the swap will take place on Saturday 3/18 from 10 am – 4 pm

After School Program Update:

Session Three starts March 6th!

Session three will start next Monday, March 6th. This will be our last session for the school year. We are excited to offer some new activities and continue with our popular classes.

Outdoor Adventure and Nature Explorers Summer Program

The After-School Program is offering a summer program for enrolled R.H. Conwell students grades kindergarten to 6 (This school year’s grades K to 6). The program will run from July 10th to August 3rd, Monday through Thursday from 8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Students accepted into the program will need to commit to attending for the 4 weeks. Program activities will build off of each other each week and consistent attendance is a grant requirement.

Registration forms for both session 3 and the summer program were handed out in students’ school day classrooms this week. Both programs are free due to our DESE 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant!

If you need a registration form for the school year or summer program or if you have any questions please contact Shannon Madden at smadden@hr-k12.org.

Hampshire Regional School Play: R. H. Conwell’s 3-6th grade students will travel to Hampshire Regional on March 14 to watch the musical, The Drowsy Chaperone.

School Committee Community Update:
February 2023 Community update letter.docx

Hilltown Family Center Playgroup: Every Monday at R.H. Conwell beginning at 8:30 for infants and toddlers beginning at 9:45.

Reminders from Nurse’s Office:

● If your child is going to be absent or tardy, please cc mbreymann@hr-k12.org and
● Our COVID test expiration dates have been extended again, so contact me if you
need any.
● If you have a health concern about sending your child to school, you may reach
Nurse Meg by text at 413-320-8172 or email at mbreymann@hr-K12.org before
7:00 a.m. and until 7p.m.
● During school hours, Nurse Meg can be reached at 238-5856 extension 1.
● If you find unfamiliar clothing or ice packs in your home or child’s backpack,
please return to the school! We especially need small pants and snow pants.
● I will be vision screening Grades 3 and 4 the week we return from vacation, so if
your child wears glasses, please make sure they bring them to school.

Thank you

Upcoming Events:

March 9, 2023: School Committee Meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m.

March 16 – 17, 2023: Book Fair from 9 – 3 for students

March 18, 2023: Book Fair opened for the community between 10 – 4 p.m. in the school cafeteria.

March 23, 2023: Virtual Parent Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m.

March 24, 2023: Noon Dismissal and ALL SCHOOL MEETING March 31, 2023: Report Cards Go Home

Have a wonderful weekend!

Gretchen Morse-Dobosz
Principal/Superintendent, Worthington School District