R. H. Conwell Community News Flash – 4/2/21

Dear Community,

Last week, beloved children’s writer Beverly Cleary died at the age of 104 years young! This literary legend wrote stories that captured children’s attention for decades. Do you remember your favorite Beverly Cleary book? Was it Ramona, Ralph the Mouse, or Henry Huggins to name just a few! As a reluctant reader in the third grade, I found comfort in her books and gained the confidence I needed to keep reading! Please follow the attached link for an opinion piece on the impact Beverly Cleary had on a generation of readers.

Opinion | Beverly Cleary Helped Boys Love Books

Message from School Committee about Superintendent/Principal Survey: Next week you’ll get an email from school with a request for you to complete a confidential questionnaire from the Worthington School Committee. Families will get one version. Staff will get another. This is the first year of a new annual questionnaire the school committee will be asking families and staff to complete, answering questions about Ms. Morse-Dobosz’s leadership, to help us as a committee in our job of completing regular evaluations of her in her role as Superintendent. All school committees are required to evaluate their superintendents regularly, and we can do this best with your input. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts.

FY22 Budget Documents: 4/8/21 Budget Hearing

Last Photo Before the Lockdown: A big thanks to those who participated in sharing your last photo before the lockdown. I really appreciated these photos and the descriptions. Enjoy!

Last photo before the pandemic

What are your intentions for next year?: Just a reminder that forms went home this week asking families to indicate if they are planning to send their child(ren) back to R.H. Conwell in the fall.  Please return these to the office by April 12, 2021.

Message from Ms. Hawthorne, the Art teacher : We are doing a tin punching art project this spring in 3/4th grade. We need 25 flat pieces of 1″ by 12″ x 12″ wood. We are looking for donations of wide planks of 1″ wood — pre-cut into 12″ sections would be preferred but I can cut longer lengths to size. Please email Carolyn Hawthorne, Art Teacher, at

chawthorne@hr-k12.org if you have any to donate.

Calling all Kindergarten Families: The Kindergarten team invites you to join us for a zoom open house on Saturday, April 10 at 10:00 AM. We will talk about and show you what a day in Kindergarten looks like at R.H Conwell Elementary school and provide time at the end to answer any questions you may have about this exciting transition for your child and family. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Kindergarten teacher, Sam Briotta: sbriotta@hr-k12.org.

Topic: Kindergarten Open House
Time: Apr 10, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97795884371?pwd=RVN2b3B0NnFPSTlJUmZsZE5VVlM5dz09 Meeting ID: 977 9588 4371
Passcode: 482464 One tap mobile
+16468769923,,97795884371# US (New York)

Kindergarten School Choice: The school committee voted to allow our district to participate in school choice for the 2021-2022 school year. We currently have openings in the kindergarten class. Please follow the link for the School Choice application. The due date is April 16, 2021.

School choice Application for SY 2021-2022.pdf

A Weekly Covid Update from the Nurse’s Office (4/2/2021)

Number of positive cases within the school community: 0
Overall health of the school community: Healthy
We are continuing to have great success with our health and safety protocols within our school community, and we continue to thank you all for your support in keeping our students safe and in person learning.

Message from Nurse Meg: Today is my last day as your School Nurse. I want to thank you all for your generous welcome and for tolerating my telephone calls when your children were absent as well as my calls and notes when they were hurt or sick. Best of all it has been a pleasure to meet your wonderful children!


  • April 8, 2021: School Budget hearing and regular scheduled meeting @ 6:30PM.
  • April 19- 23, 2021: Spring Break
  • April 28, 2021: Picture Day
  • April 29, 2021: Rain Date or Make-ups Warmly,

Gretchen Morse-Dobosz,

Worthington School District
147 Huntington Road
Worthington, MA 01098
