4/23/21 Planning Board Public Hearing Recording

Below is a recording of the Planning Board Hearing held on Friday, April 23, 2021.
The Hearing was held virtually via GoToMeeting.

Town of Worthington
Planning Board

The Worthington Planning Board will hold a public hearing for a Citizen Petition to amend the Zoning By-Law frontage requirements from 400 ft to 280 ft, to be presented at Annual Town Meeting.
Preparation of report from the Planning Board to accompany warrant.

The Selectboard received a citizen petition to place an article on the Annual Town Meeting warrant. As required by law, the Planning Board held a Public Hearing on the proposed Zoning Bylaw change. The Public Hearing Announcement and the text of the proposed change are below:

Hearing Slide Deck Presentation (PDF)

Annual Town Meeting Warrant Text and Introduction by the Petitioner:

Proposal to amend Zoning By-Law Section V.l Dimensional Requirements

On January 14th, 2021, the Governor signed into law An Act Enabling Partnerships for  Growth (the “Act”).  The Act is a sweeping economic recovery and reform bill which includes several changes to the Zoning Act, G.L.c.40A.  The provisions of this Act are a response to the profound housing affordability crisis in the state of Massachusetts.  To increase housing choice, the Act makes it easier for municipalities to amend their zoning bylaws and ordinances to allow for changes that enable multifamily, mixed use development or increased housing density.

The Town of Worthington has the highest median house value of any surrounding town. Given the lack of affordable housing, the proposed By-Law change would decrease the required frontage, enabling more homes to be built using the existing roadways and infrastructure of the Town.  Decreased lot frontage will also provide lower cost building lots, making it more feasible to construct starter homes for young families in the community.

This is a petition to place an article on the agenda for the annual Town Meeting currently scheduled for Saturday May 1, 2021.  This petition has been signed by the required number of people and the signatures have been verified by the Town Clerk:

To see of the Town will vote to amend the first sentence of Zoning By-Law Section V Dimensional  Requirements:  1.  A Dwelling, principal building or principal structure hereinafter erected shall be located on a lot having not less than a minimum area of two

(2) acres and a minimum frontage of 400ft measured contiguously along a single street, either public or private, which the lot abuts.

The proposed amendment would reduce the frontage requirement of this section from 400′ to 280′. The amended By-Law Section V.l reads as follows:

Section V- Dimensional Requirements

  1. A Dwelling, principal building or principal structure hereinafter erected shall be located on a lot having not less than a minimum area of two (2) acres and a minimum frontage of 280ft measured contiguously along a single street, either public or private, which the lot abuts.

;or otherwise act thereon.