Dear Community:
Hope this long weekend has been restful and rejuvenating for you! During last week’s wind storm we lost power for several days, and I was happy when power was finally restored on Saturday. This was a day earlier than expected! The weather was perfect and we enjoyed getting several inside and outside house chores completed!

Some of you may remember that Bolty, our golden died last year around the end of October. Since then I have been looking into breeders and discovered that because of COVID so many planned litters are sold out until 2021-2022. During my puppy research I stumbled upon a breeder in Rowley, MA who has been breeding goldens for 30 years, and also trains puppies as service dogs for kids with disabilities. Last week I connected with the breeder to hear more about his breeding practices and asked when he might be anticipating a litter. He told me he had a male ready to go home, and if it was the right match the puppy could come home with us this weekend.

So, the whole family drove out yesterday and of course we fell in love with the puppy. Owen and Tatum named him Cairo. He’s so adorable in all the ways a golden retriever puppy can be! Ollie (our new rescue), Cairo and Bear are all getting along beautifully and enjoy racing through the back fields. Rosey, our oldest dog is now the queen of the house and doesn’t mind the two new additions to the pack! Our house and hearts are full!
Please see the updates and reminders for the week(s) ahead:
- NO SCHOOL: October 13, 2020.
- Week 5 completed and we have been so fortunate to have not yet had a single positive case. All the staff and students are doing so well with all protocols set in place. Thanks to all our caregivers for your vigilance with the health and safety protocols. We appreciate folks calling the office when you need to drop something off, waiting outside for your child for early pick-up, and keeping your child home if they are not well.
- Virtual Open House: October 15, 2020.
- Grades K-2 from 5:30 – 6:15
- Grades 3- 6 from 6:30 – 7:15
- Coffee with the Principal: Friday, October 16, 2020 after drop off.
- ½ Day: October 23, 2020. Noon dismissal
- This year we will not have a Halloween parade at school.
- Parent Teacher Conferences: November 4, 5, and 6th. All of these days are ½ days with a noon dismissal. Please look for more information in the coming week
WORTHINGTON BOARD OF HEALTH – HALLOWEEN GUIDANCE In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; the rising incidence of cases in both Worthington, the state and the nation in general; and the recognition of aerosol transmission of the virus, the Worthington Board of Health has determined that there will be no indoor events at the Town Hall to celebrate Halloween. The Recreation Committee is considering having a short parade during the day on Saturday, October 31, details to come. We are also suggesting that any door-to-door trick or treating be limited and that families find alternative and creative ways of celebrating Halloween in small groups. Loose candy in bowls is not allowed; we suggest making up individual bags for each trick or treater.In all cases masks should be worn by both trick or treaters, any accompanying adults, and the people welcoming them; hand sanitizer should be used between visits; face to face close contact should be brief. |
Have a wonderful day.
Worthington School District
147 Huntington Road
Worthington, MA 01098
[email protected]