Due to expected inclement weather, the balloon test originally scheduled for Tuesdaty, Februrary 12, 2019 will be rescheduled. As per the posting below, the test for February 12 was already a backup date to a scheduled test on February 7. We will announce the new date for a test as soon as we have it available.
The Tower Company has submitted a series of photographs which you may find helpful. An application for a cell tower in this same location was made in 2010. This series of photos show that original balloon test from 2010 from 10 different locations in Worthington, first with the actual balloon, followed by the same view with the proposed tower superimposed into the picture.
You can view full screen and/or download the above PDF here.
A higher resolution (approximately 60mb) version of the PDF is also available:
Part 1
Part 2
The balloon test delay will also effect the hearing scheduled for February 20, 2019. The hearing was originally scheduled as a joint hearing of the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals. It will now be just the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board hearing will be rescheduled for a date after the balloon test has taken place.
The original legal announcement for the balloon test:
TowerNorth Development, LLC will conduct a balloon test pursuant to Section XI and Section VIII.C.2 of the Worthington Zoning Bylaw on Thursday, February 7, 2019, beginning at 8:30 A.M. and continuing for eight (8) hours, off of Old North Road, Worthington, MA, also known as Worthington Assessors Map 406, Lot 9 (458 Old North Rd). This is in connection with an application for a Special Permit filed by TowerNorth Development, LLC, with the Planning Board to construct a wireless communication facility at the aforementioned location. In the event of inclement weather the balloon test will be conducted on Tuesday February 12, 2019 at the same time and place.
Thanks again Charley,
Your posts are wondetful and keep us up to date without having to come to SB meetings or take notes @ fincom meetings!
Just wish with all this cell tower interest that we could add a whip or another level to the radiker road existing tower. It would sure help our neighborhood.???