Election Results

986 registered voters  502 ballots cast  438 – Democrat    63 – Republican      1 – Libertarian  Senator – Democratic Edward J. Markey – 276Joseph P. Kennedy III – 160  Senator – Republican Shiva Ayyadurai – 22Kevin J. O’Connor – 41  House – Democratic Richard E. Neal – 177Alex B. Morse – 261

Worthington Annual Town Meeting

It was a rainy affair, but Worthington’s Annual Town Meeting took place Saturday morning, August, 29,2020, under the tent in the R. H. Conwell School parking lot. The meeting lasted about 1 hour and with one exception, all warrant articles past unanimously. The warrant is below. ARTICLE TWENTY-THREE: To see if the Town will vote …

Free Hotspot Extended

The Massachusetts Broadband Institute sent the press release below announcing an extension of the free Hot Spot they installed in towns across western Mass to the end of the year. With school now going into session, the school parking lot, driveway, picnic tables or grounds will no longer be available for parking to use the …

Comcast Update

Comcast recently sent out postcards to most people in town. Copies of each of them are below. The difference between the 2 is that one refers to property that requires additional construction to receive services, which would apply if you have a long driveway, buried utility lines or other unusual situation that would require additional …

Worthington Library News

The Worthington Library is open for curbside pickup and returns. Books, DVDs, audio books, magazines, and other items can be reserved by phone at 413-238-5565, or email at theworthingtonlibrary@gmail.com.   A catalog of library materials will be posted online soon, with a link at www.theworthingtonlibrary.org.  There’s a new, expanded drop box at the top of …