R. H. Conwell Community News – 9/10/2021

Dear R.H. Conwell Families, Happy Friday! School Committee News: In an ongoing effort to increase communication with the school and our community, the School Committee has committed to host opportunities for direct interaction with Committee members outside of public meetings. Next Friday, September 17, will be the first opportunity at 3:30 with Amanda Brooks-Clemeno and …

Route 143 Update – 9/5/2021

The contractor has submitted paperwork formally requesting to extend the completion date from 8/2 to 11/29.  The final paving is scheduled to begin on 9/20 and will take 5-7 workdays to complete.  This will be followed by the line painting, slotted pavement markers and the remaining signage.  Sometime in October we’ll do a final walkthrough. …

Night​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Living​ ​Dead​ ​VI

Saturday,​ ​September​ ​11,​ ​2021,​ ​at​ ​6pm​ ​(Raindate​ ​September​ ​12​ ​at​ ​same​ ​time) North​ ​Cemetery,​ ​on​ ​Cold​ ​Street​ (​near​ ​the​ ​intersection​ ​with​ ​Rte​ ​112​ ​in​ ​Worthington.​) ​Free​ ​admission.​  ​Our​ ​electromagnetic​ ​field​ ​detectors​ ​indicate​ ​that​ ​some​ ​erstwhile​ ​resting​ ​souls​ ​plan​ ​to​ ​mingle​ ​with​​​ ​the​ ​public.​ ​ On the guest list are Samuel Buffington (humbled, a reprise), Betsey Gove Ward (paragon), Arunah Bartlett (ingenious Yankee), Amanda Higgins Tower (clothes-making whiz), Flora B. Stevens (independent gal), and Perley Skelton (proud prizewinning farmer). We look forward to entertaining them The​ ​ghosts​ ​will​ ​not​ ​provide​ ​illumination,​ ​so​ ​bring​ ​a​ ​flashlight. The Worthington Historical Society

R. H. Conwell News – 9/3/21

Dear R.H. Conwell Families, This week I spent time visiting all the classrooms!  And, it was wonderful to welcome our preschoolers back to school on Thursday!  For so many of the preschoolers attending school is a new experience!   During my visits to the classrooms, there are rich conversations happening about the district’s KORR values, and …

Culture Council Grants

Effective September 1-October 15, 2021, the Worthington Cultural Council is accepting applications from organizations, schools and individuals for grants that support cultural activities in the community in 2022. We place a special emphasis on projects that serve school-age children and the elderly, and are seeking to expand the types of projects funded to include more …

R. H. Conwell Community News – 8/27/2021

Dear R.H. Conwell Families, Welcome back to school!  We have had an awesome start to the school year!  There is so much excitement and energy in our building.  Classroom teachers spent time listening to the students’ summer adventures and establishing routines and classroom expectations.  Again, it’s so nice to have everyone back to school.   Yesterday, …


During this past month there have been eight (8) cases of COVID-19 reported in Worthington, including a cluster of 5 in one family. Four of the cases have been in children, three in unvaccinated adults, and one breakthrough case in a previously vaccinated individual. The delta variant of COVID-19 is highly contagious and getting vaccinations, wearing face coverings, getting tested …