Friday Night Cafe 1/27/2023

The cafe continues on Friday, January 27 with a fun double bill. Jack Swindlehurst will lead off with his collection of originals and covers… songs of love and life. Sarah Stockwell – Arthen will take the second hour. Sarah’s voice soars from the heart, for the Earth… and she’s funny too. It will be an engaging evening with two much loved hilltown musicians.

The show is from 7:00 – 9:00 in the Sanctuary at the Village Church in beautiful downtown Cummington. Masks are strongly encouraged, and every other pew will be closed to promote social distancing… at this social event… sigh…  

Food and drink is not allowed in the Sanctuary, but feel free to come early for a cup of warm cider and some cookies in the Vestry – a bit of “sound check socializing” for those so inclined.

Once again brought to you by the friendly folks at the Village Church who believe music can be a powerful force for building community.

Funded in part through a grant from the Worthington Cultural Council