Transfer Station Update 12/13/2018

The updates at the transfer station are largely complete.  The paper compactor is installed and up and running.  The new shed is insulated and wired and now keeping Susan warm we hope.  We’re still working on building a ramp for the plastic and can recycling.

Thanks to
Michael O’Melia, our electrical inspector for getting the new paper compactor and shed wired up.

The Selectboard discussed and reconsidered the decision to remove the open-tops for the winter.  We received some feedback and decided to reverse that decison and keep them available for the winter.  We’ll keep an eye on the hauling and disposal costs relative to the rest of the year and take another look at the subject next fall.  Thanks to those that shared their thoughts with the Selectboard on the subject.

We will however not be accepting tires or appliances over the winter in order to help the highway department maneuver and keep the yard clear of snow.