Dear Community:
As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, this is a perfect time to share with you my deep appreciation for your continued support of our school! I would like to wish all of you a happy, healthy and relaxing Thanksgiving break.
CHICKEN CHORES: The Third and Fourth grade students NEED YOUR HELP!! Please click on the link below for more information
Upcoming Events: ` ` |
After School Program: Session Two
Session two of the program will begin on Monday, December 2nd! If you have registered your student and did not get an email from Shannon Madden to confirm your student’s enrollment, please email her to let her know. She may not have received the form.
There are still some spots available in the program. If you would like to enroll your student contact Shannon at [email protected].
From the Nurses Office: There are still ticks in our long grasses and woods. Please continue to check your students daily.
A pitch for Attendance
When you send your children to school even on half days, you are giving them the message that you value their education and the contributions they make to our community!
- Talk to your child about school. If they are experiencing hurdles, ask how you can help and coach them through solutions that promote coming to school.
- Insist that your child goes to school every day.
- Discuss concerns you might have with your child’s teachers, counselors, or administrators. They welcome your input and are there to help.
From the Cafeteria: November flew by! The students had Kale chips which were enjoyed by most! The sample for the fresh fruit and vegetables program this week was star fruit. You can find the breakfast and lunch menu here
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Gretchen Morse-Dobosz