Board Vacancies

We have the following Vacancies on Worthington Town Boards:

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)

Purpose and Responsibilities

The Zoning Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial board that has the power to hear and decide on petitions for:

  • Appeals from the decisions of the Zoning Enforcement Officer
  • Special Permits as allowed under the Protective Bylaw
  • Variances from the requirements of the Protective Bylaw
  • Comprehensive Permits under Chapter 40B of Massachusetts General Laws.

The Board of Appeals is made up of 5 members and 2 alternates who are appointed by the Select Board for a term of 5 years. We are looking for:

  • 1 Member that would fill out a recently vacated term expiring in 2023.
  • 1 Alternate Member for a full 5 Year Term ending in 2027 (an alternate member serves when a regular member is unavailable)

Conservation Commission

Here is a good backgroung on Conservation Commisions in Massachusetts from the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC)

We have 1 Vacancy for a 3 Year Term

If you’re interested in any of these positions, please contact the Executive Assistant to the Selectboard, Margaret O’Neal at [email protected] or call 413-238-5577 ext. 100.