Worthington Fire District Annual Meetings

The following Meetings will be held Thursday, June 24 at 7pm at the Worthington Town Hall.



Commonwealth of Massachusetts

To: John Sullivan, Clerk of the Worthington Fire District

Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Worthington qualified to vote in Town affairs and elections and residing within the Worthington Fire District to meet at Town Hall, Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 7:00 P.M., then and there to act upon the following articles, to wit:

ARTICLE ONE: To hear and act upon the reports of the Clerk, Treasurer, and Water Commissioners.

ARTICLE TWO: To elect by ballot the following:

                                         One year terms:                              Moderator , Clerk 

                                         Three year term:                              Commissioner

                                         Two year term:                               Commissioner

ARTICLE THREE: To see if the Worthington Fire District will appropriate from un-appropriated available funds $45,000 for the Salaries Account for fiscal year 2022, to pay the following salaries: Water Operator, Assistant Water Operator, Treasurer, and Secretary to the Commissioners, or take any other action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE FOUR: To see if the Worthington Fire District will vote to appropriate from un-appropriated available funds $60,000 for the Maintenance Account for fiscal year 2022, to cover routine and emergency maintenance, testing, Commissioners’ hours, supplies and materials and other related expenses, or take any other action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE FIVE: To see if the Worthington Fire District will appropriate from un-appropriated available funds $10,000 for the Administration account for fiscal year 2022, to cover Treasurer’s and Commissioner’s expenses, Insurance, Bonding and other related expenses, or take any other action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE SIX: To see if the Worthington Fire District will appropriate from unappropriated available funds a $12,258.81 for the FmHA Loan account in order to make our fiscal year 2022 FmHA loan payment, or take any other action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE SEVEN: To see if the Worthington Fire District will raise the Water rent base rate from $150 per quarter ($600 per year) to $165 per quarter ($660 per year), raise the rate for ‘Over 40,000 gallons per year” to $16 per 1000 gallons and raise the “shutoff notice fee” from $30 to $50 or take any other action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE EIGHT: To transact any other business which may legally come before this meeting.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posing attested copies thereof in said District fourteen days at least before the time of said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant at the time and place of holding said meeting.

Given under our hands this 9th day of June 2021.


Commonwealth of Massachusetts


To: John Sullivan, Clerk of the Worthington Fire District

Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Worthington qualified to vote in Town affairs and elections and residing within the Worthington Fire District to meet at Town Hall, Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 7:00 P.M., then and there to act upon the following articles, to wit:

ARTICLE ONE: To hear and act upon the reports of the Clerk, Treasurer, and Water Commissioners.

ARTICLE TWO: To elect by ballot the following:

                                         One year terms:                              Moderator , Clerk 

                                         Three year term:                              Commissioner

                                         Two year term:                               Commissioner

ARTICLE THREE: To see if the Worthington Fire District will appropriate from un-appropriated available funds $45,000 for the Salaries Account for fiscal year 2021, to pay the following salaries: Water Operator, Assistant Water Operator, Treasurer, and Secretary to the Commissioners, or take any other action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE FOUR: To see if the Worthington Fire District will vote to appropriate from un-appropriated available funds $50,000 for the Maintenance Account for fiscal year 2021, to cover routine and emergency maintenance, testing, Commissioners’ hours, supplies and materials and other related expenses, or take any other action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE FIVE: To see if the Worthington Fire District will appropriate from un-appropriated available funds $10,000 for the Administration account for fiscal year 2021, to cover Treasurer’s and Commissioner’s expenses, Insurance, Bonding and other related expenses, or take any other action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE SIX: To see if the Worthington Fire District will appropriate from unappropriated available funds a $12,674.19 for the FmHA Loan account in order to make our fiscal year 2021 FmHA loan payment, or take any other action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE SEVEN: To transact any other business which may legally come before this meeting.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posing attested copies thereof in said District fourteen days at least before the time of said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant at the time and place of holding said meeting.

Given under our hands this 9th day of June 2021.

                                                                                                BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS

                                                                                                JOHN SULLIVAN

                                                                                                STEPHEN P. SCHULZE

                                                                                                TRIP SHAW                                 


Commonwealth of Massachusetts


To: John Sullivan, Clerk of the Worthington Fire District

Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Worthington qualified to vote in Town affairs and elections and residing within the Worthington Fire District to meet at Town Hall, Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 7:00 P.M., then and there to act upon the following article, to wit:

ARTICLE ONE: To see if the Worthington Fire District will appropriate from un-appropriated available funds in the treasury a $3,647.71 for the Maintenance Account to meet fiscal year 2020 obligations, or take any other action in relation thereto.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posing attested copies thereof in said District fourteen days at least before the time of said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant at the time and place of holding said meeting.

Given under our hands this 9th Day of June 2021.

                                                                                    BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS

                                                                                    JOHN SULLIVAN

                                                                                    TRIP SHAW

                                  STEPHEN P. SCHULZE