The Selectboard has been working on plans for necessary repair work on the R. H. Conwell School building for about the past year and a half. After a serious freeze up and associated water damage a couple years ago and our continuing concern over the peeling paint on the front of the building, we started looking into the structure and what was needed for repair. We discovered very little in the way of insulation, in the area of the Cafeteria/Gymnasium and the back two class rooms on that end of the building. We also discovered deficiencies in the sprinkler system that needed to be addressed.

So, after some delays due to the pandemic last summer, we have worked with an architect and engineering firms to come up with a plan which is going out to bid today, March 3, 2021. Thanks are due in particular to Select Board Member Steve Smith and our Town Moderator and Architect Kevin O’Connor, who put countless hours into this so far, and to Devon Wolf, Lisa Ouellet, and Superintendent/Principal Dobosz at the school for their work on this as well.
Below is a copy of the Bid Documents and a link to download them. We hope to have an accepted bid before Town Meeting and to discuss and vote on funding for this at our Annual Town Meeting in May.
Download the Bid Documents Here: Invitation to Bid on Conwell School Exterior Envelope Repairs