They’re Here!

Comcast has started work on Goss Hill and Thrasher Hill Roads where the main signal will be coming in to town. They’ll be working from there into the center of town.

The general timeline for the arrival of cable and eventual hookups is still for the fall and early winter. But the fact that they’ve begun work is a good sign.

I’ll continue to keep you updated as work progresses…


  1. Are you aware of 5G and how it will make Comcast obsolete?
    Seems like a rotary is such a waste of money that could be better spent or lower taxes!

    1. Charley Rose says:

      Thanks for the comment Judy.

      5G uses millimeter wavelengths to provide high data rates over very short distances. It can’t travel far and the signals are easily blocked by walls and other obstacles like trees. It is meant for an urban environment and is not expected to be deployed in a rural environment like ours in the foreseeable future. As you know, we are only now seeing 4G LTE being deployed in the western side of Worthington with the new cell tower on Old North Rd.

      The Rotary and the Route 143 project which is currently underway is almost entirely funded through federal funds. The town did pay for the engineering, largely with state Chapter 90 funds.

  2. Thanks for the Comcast update. We look forward to talking with them. I believe you said customers would have a chance to talk before they hook us up. We still have work to be done on our drive in order to be ready.

  3. Ellen DeGrave says:

    8/27/20. When will the cell tower on Old North Road be operational.

    1. HI Ellen,

      I’m sorry about the delayed reply. As you probably have discovered, the cell tower is now opeational.

      Charley Rose

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