Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Survey

The Towns of Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, and Worthington are collaborating with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), residents, and stakeholders on strategies to reduce vulnerability and adapt to our changing climate through the State’s Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program.  The core directive of the MVP program is to engage community stakeholders to facilitate the education, planning, and ultimate implementation of priority climate change adaptation actions. Completion of the MVP planning process will enable the Towns to receive preference for future state grants.

The MVP grant also requires each town to engage the public on climate resilience. Given current COVID-19 social distancing guidance, we are unable at this time to hold a public meeting on the subject. Instead, we are asking all Worthington residents to do two things:

1.       Review this Draft MVP Summary of Findings Report, and submit your questions or comments to [email protected]

2.       Take this three-question survey to tell us what you think our region should FIRST do to better adapt to climate change.