February 23, 2020
Good Morning Community:
How was your week? I was able to enjoy some quality time with both Owen and Tatum because their extracurricular activities ended, and it was nice not to have to run from one event to another. Owen is beginning to think about college and we spent one afternoon sifting through the Pearson’s Guide to Colleges. Owen is a junior at Easthampton High School and beginning to think about what he wants to do after graduation. He has a passion for basketball and biology, so we will see where that may bring him!
I am pleased to announce that the after-school program recently received the Increased Access to Quality Afterschool and Summer Learning Programs Grant from the Massachusetts Department of Education in the amount of $49,000 to support this year’s programs. Only 62 of the 152 programs that applied were able to be funded by this new, competitive state grant.
The grant’s purpose is to increase access to quality after-school and summer learning programs to R.H. Conwell students who live in a rural area, are economically disadvantaged or are receiving special education services. This grant allows the after-school program to be provided at no cost to students. Important information about the after-school program:
- The school year program runs Monday through Friday from 3:10 to 5:00 on the days the school is open. Different enrichment activities are offered each day to students grades preschool to grade six. Some of the enrichment offerings are Future Inventors, Introduction to Theatre, Dance, Storytelling, and Outdoor Adventure.
- The summer program will start July 7th and will end July 30th. It will be open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 4:00. The theme for camp will be outdoor exploration and adventure. More information regarding the summer program will be available in March.
For more information regarding the school year and summer programs you may contact Shannon Madden, Enrichment Coordinator, at [email protected] or at 413-238-5856.
A few friendly reminders, opportunities, needs and updates:
- Please remember the school hours are from 8:30- 3:10.
- For parents and caregivers coming for family lunch please remember to sign-in and leave from the school via cafeteria door. Please reframe from walking around the classrooms and halls once family lunch is
- Next enrichment session starts Monday, March 2nd and there is no fee.
Dates to be mindful of:
- February 28, 2020 @ 8:30: Coffee with the Principal
- Last day of school~
- Preschool: June 9, 2020
- K – 6: June 16, 2020.
Gretchen Morse-Dobosz
Principal / Superintendent
g[email protected]