Special Town Meeting
November 5, 2019
A quorum of 27 being present, Moderator Keven O’Connor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P .M. The following articles were then acted upon:
ARTICLE ONE: It was voted unanimously to Raise and Appropriate the additional sum of $800.00 to fund the Town Phone Expense Account.
ARTICLE TWO: It was voted unanimously to Raise and Appropriate the additional sum of $7,393.00 to fund the Group Insurance Account.
ARTICLE THREE: It was voted unanimously to Appropriate and Transfer the sum of $10,935.00 from the Conwell Building Stabilization Fund to upgrade various components of the building’s automated HVAC system and security software.
ARTICLE FOUR: It was voted unanimously to Raise and Appropriate the sum of $1,355.63 to pay a FYI 9 Rockwood Ag-Grid LLC, net metering invoice.
ARTICLE FIVE: It was voted unanimously to Raise and Appropriate the additional sum of $6.00 to pay the balance of a FY19 Fire Department Red Cross First Aid Class invoice.
ARTICLE SIX: It was voted unanimously to Raise and Appropriate the sum of $2,330.50 to pay the following FY19 Conwell Building bills: DAS Alarm Systems -$993.00 and Automated Logic -$1,337.50.
ARTICLE SEVEN: It was voted unanimously to Raise and Appropriate the sum of $236.25 to pay a FY19 bill from the Collaborative for Educational Services for the FY19 School Budget.
ARTICLE EIGHT: It was voted unanimously but one to Appropriate and Transfer $2,500.00 from the Conwell Building Stabilization Fund to service the large generator in front of the school and/or rewire the sprinkler generator at the rear of the school in order to meet the School’s emergency needs.
ARTICLE NINE: It was voted unanimously but one to Appropriate and Transfer the sum of $2,740.00 from the General Stabilization Fund to purchase two onsite Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs), one to be placed at the Highway Department, the other at Town Hall.
ARTICLE TEN: It was voted unanimously to Raise and Appropriate the additional sum of $8,500.00 for the Conwell School Building Account.
ARTICLE ELEVEN: It was voted unanimously to Appropriate and Transfer the sum of $15,000.00 from the Conwell Building Stabilization Fund for the preparation of plans, bid specifications and the professional services required to undertake a schedule of improvements to the Conwell School Building.
Dissolved at 8:05pm.
Respectfully submitted, Katrin Kaminsky, Town Clerk