Saturday, February 23, 2109 from 9-5 at The Worthington Town Hall
Coffee, tea & soup are all included along with instruction, materials, and a whole lot of fun!
Option: A favorite apron.
Register at the Worthington Library
For more information contact: Nancy at 413-358-3184

Join Mary and Darrell Birchenough from Kneading Life/Mindful Homesteaders to explore how to weave both a great basket and a great life!
Under Darrell’s guidance, participants will create a round bread
basket using reed and wild shoots. Mary will use her expertise to help you fill them! In addition to getting plenty of hands-on experience
working with traditional yeasted breads and preferments, Mary will demonstrate the secrets of flaky biscuits and scones using sourdough starter that will leave you thinking outside the loaf. For
those who would like to try their hand with sourdough at home, starter will be available!
You can find out more about Mary and Darrell on their Facebook page Kneading Life/Mindful Homesteaders or read about life around their Farmette in upstate New York on Mary’s blog, Kneading Life.