Welcome to the newly redesigned Town of Worthington web site! All the information you found on the old site should still be here. We’ve simply updated the layout and added a few new features. The web site is very much a work in progress and we welcome your comments, criticisms, suggestions and questions. You’ll see places for you to make a comment if you’d like and please also feel free to email Charley Rose, Selectboard Chair, at crose@worthington-ma.us.
We’d like to thank the students at Our Lady of the Elms College and their Professor, Goose Berkowitz-Gosselin for all their hard work. The design work was all done at no cost as a class project.
The really good news is that this change while not only bringing our web site up to date, is also expected to save the town quite a bit of expense. We hope you like the changes and welcome your comments.
Charley Rose
Are you going to include a town email access link?
Thanks. It’s been added.