Worthington Police Changes

A big THANKS to our outgoing Police Chief, Kevin Moran, who has decided to leave the position after serving Worthington for 6 years as Chief! According to Selectboard Chair, Charley Rose, “I always appreciated Kevin’s easy manner and approachability. He took the job seriously and clearly cared about the Town of Worthington.” Welcome and thanks …

Snow Removal Help Needed

The R. H. Conwell School is looking for someone to snowblow the sidewalks and entrances to the school. This is a temporary position until a new Custodian is hired. The work can be done with the school’s snowblower or your own. If you’re interested, please contact Superintendent/Principal Gretchen Morse/Dobosz at gmorsedobosz@hr-k12.org or call 413-238-5856.

Job Posting

WORTHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Building and Grounds Keeper DESCRIPTION: The Worthington Building and Grounds Keeper is responsible for assuming total responsibility for the school building and grounds, maintaining the condition of security, cleanliness and operating excellence that provides full support of the educational program at all times.  SUPERVISION: Works under the supervision of Principal/Superintendent. Evaluated yearly …

Holiday Luncheon

The Council on Aging is still Accepting RSVPs for the COA Holiday Luncheon, Monday, December 9 at 11:30 am. The luncheon will take place at the Comfort Kitchen and Bar, 4 Main Street, Huntington, MA.  The luncheon is fully underwritten by the Rolland Fund.  Contact Shelley Rice at #413-238-5532 or email: coa@worthington-ma.us  Come Join Us!