Hello all and happy new year!
We want to hear your thoughts. Come talk with us! Worthington School Committee members Alison Todd and Deb Clapp will be hosting the second of a series of regularly occurring school committee listening sessions, an opportunity for community members to share their thoughts on issues related to the school, the school district, the school committee, the budget, and any other related topics. The session will be virtual; please see the agenda below for the Zoom link. The format will be an open comment period from 5:30-6:30pm for community members to share their thoughts. Your feedback will be brought back to the whole school committee in a regular school committee meeting, and issues raised that require discussion by the committee will be placed on the agenda for a future regular meeting.
Following the listening session the policy subcommittee will meet to discuss MASC recommendations for revisions to district policies.
We hope you will join us.
P.O. BOX 247
SCHOOL SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING: Community Listening Session
Followed by Policy Subcommittee Meeting
Thursday, 1/06/22, 5:30pm-7:30pm
Virtual * Link below
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 4922 7958
Passcode: 304094
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,84949227958# US (New York)
1. Community Listening Session: 5:30-6:30pm. 2 school Committee members, Deb Clapp and Alison Todd, will host open comment time for community members to provide feedback to the school committee on any issues of interest or concern. These committee members will bring the feedback to the larger committee in the regular school committee meeting and any issues needing further discussion can be placed on the agenda for a regular meeting.
2. Policy Sub-Committee Meeting: following the listening session
Review MASC-recommended edits to MASC policies and identify edits to recommend the SC make to existing Worthington District policies
Next regular school committee meeting: 1/13/22 6:30pm, virtual