Worthington Senior Center Community Design Project – Public Meeting

Please join us in meeting with Caolo & Bieniek Associates, Inc., Architects

Saturday September 25 at 10:00 am. under the Conwell School tent

After a brief presentation, you will be invited to ask questions and provide input. Project history is available for reference on the Town website. We look forward to seeing you on the 25th!

The Senior Center Design Committee

Steve Smith, Selectboard
Peg O’Neal, Selectboard Executive Assistant
Camille Smith, COA board president
Phyllis Dassatti, interim COA director
Kevin O’Connor
Marie Burkhart
Kathy Ford, project manager / HCDC
Dave Christopolis, executive director / HCDC


In 2018, the Worthington Select Board and COA Director contacted Hilltown CDC to discuss the process of building a Senior Center in Worthington. Executive Director, Dave Christopolis met with the town and proposed using Community Development Block Grant funds to conduct a planning study to determine feasibility and cost.

In 2019, Hilltown CDC prepared and submitted the Planning Grant application to the Depart- ment of Housing and Community Development through the Community Development Block Grant source. A planning grant for $65,000 was awarded. At this time, Kathy Ford, Architect was hired as a Project Manager to oversee the planning process.

Planning activities included a town wide survey, a series of focus groups with Worthington residents, and a series of meetings with the Select Board and Senior Center committee.

This funding also allowed us to explore site identification, test sites for potential develop- ment and determine some preliminary cost models. Planning was completed prior to 2020 which identified the Moran property as the most suitable for a Senior Center development.

The project appeared feasible based on the results. It was decided that pursuing the next step in development was necessary. In 2020 Hilltown CDC applied for an Architectural Design grant through the Department of Housing and Community Development through the Community Development Block Grant source. A Design grant for $150,000 was awarded. $135,000 has been set aside for Architectural Design.

Hilltown CDC put the design services out to bid, interviewed bidders and made a recommen- dation to the Town to engage architects Caolo & Bieniek Associates, Inc. A contract was signed in September 2021 and work has commenced.
