Greetings Community,
Happy Friday! It’s been so wonderful seeing all the kids and hearing about their winter vacation. This week in the classroom, students and teachers re-established routines and new year expectations for learning. A friendly reminder to please send your child in with warm clothes, boots, hats and mittens and extra masks!
Please follow the link for the December survey results. This was the survey sent out asking families how the district was doing during COVID-19. Thank you all for your responses.
A Weekly Covid Update from the Nurse’s Office (1/8/2021)
Number of positive cases within the school community: 0
Overall health of the school community: HEALTHY!
We are continuing to have great success with our health and safety protocols within our school community, and we continue to thank you all for your support in keeping our students safe and in person learning.
A message from Nurse Sam
I wanted to inform you all that I am expecting my second child at the end of the month, and if all goes as planned, I will be beginning my maternity leave at the end of next week. While I am away on leave, Nurse Meg Breymann will be covering the nurse’s office. I have spent many days working alongside Nurse Meg to help prepare her to provide exceptional care to your children, especially during this pandemic. She is well versed in all of our current health and safety protocols, and will be your initial contact person going forward if you have any questions or concerns regarding any Covid symptoms or additional medical concerns your child(ren) may be experiencing.
I also wanted to take a quick moment to express my sincere gratitude to you all for all that you have done thus far to help keep us in person. In such unprecedented times, such as a global pandemic, it is difficult to navigate and keep up with the constant changing information as we learn more about Covid-19. We have been adjusting our health and safety protocols accordingly to match the new data as we learn more, and your children have all done an exceptional job with adhering to what we have asked of them. We are extremely fortunate that at this point we have only had to close the school for one week. This feat could not have been met without your continued support in being vigilant with monitoring your children at home for symptoms and potential close contacts, and keeping your children home when necessary. It is my hope that we can continue to remain in person for as much of the remaining school year as possible.
I look forward to returning in mid-April and being back with all your children. If you have any questions or concerns while I am away, please direct them to Nurse Meg at
Thank you all and best wishes for a safe and healthy winter, Nurse Sam
Please follow the link to Meg Breymann’s introduction letter. She will be our substitute nurse while Nurse Sam is out on maternity leave.
Welcome Letter – Meg Introduction
Enrichment News
Session three of the after-school program starts on Monday, January 11th. There is no fee to participate in the program. The program begins at school dismissal time and ends at 4:30. At this time we will continue to offer the program to each classroom cohort one day a week. The program will offer different activities based on the interest of the students who register. Activities to include art, future inventors, acting and improv, dance. games and challenges and outdoor exploration. We are also offering Dungeons and Dragons for grades 5 and 6. If you have any questions please contact Shannon Madden at [email protected].
School website: In case you haven’t visited the school website in a while, here is the link.
MCAS testing for grades 3-6: Earlier this week Commissioner Riley announced he will shorten MCAS testing for students. This means students will be testing for half the time. More information along with a schedule will be forthcoming.
Professional Development Day: January 29, 2021: Noon Dismissal
Have a wonderful weekend!
Gretchen Morse-Dobosz Superintendent/Principal