Sunday News for the Community from Superintendent/Principal Dobosz, April 5

Dear Community:

Hope you and your family are managing this difficult time in a healthy way.  I know you are juggling many new worries and responsibilities these days, and as a parent I know it isn’t easy for you.

I am incredibly grateful for you, our students and our dedicated faculty.  During these uncertain times, I find myself looking for wisdom from philosophers or great leaders that I admire or who inspire me.  Sun Tzu, a Chinese General and philosopher wrote~ In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.  I am personally looking for the opportunity this challenge presents, and as I reflect inward, what comes to me is the quality time I have with my two teenagers.  Owen and Tatum are typically not home during the week/weekends, and this stay at home order from the Governor has allowed us time to connect.  I appreciate this extra time with my loved ones, and I encourage you all to look for the opportunity that may be afforded to you and your family during this time.

Last week, while families practiced social distancing in order to prevent the spread of disease, the faculty worked at home to develop a remote learning plan for all Conwell students.  During the planning for our remote learning plan we talked with other school districts, educators, and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). We tried to develop a remote learning plan that is age appropriate, manageable, meaningful, sustainable, and designed with students and families in mind.  We are very aware that this plan cannot replace the valuable classroom time.  We miss our daily interactions with students terribly, and we will do all that we can to maintain close connections with them during the school closure and beyond.  We are here for you if you need anything.

By now, classroom teachers have contacted you with information regarding Google Classroom.  As we implement this plan, please make sure to communicate with your classroom teacher with any technical challenges or questions you may have about assignments.  All faculty have weekly designated office hours for you to contact them.   Below is a highlighted version of our remote learning plan I sent on Friday via SWIFT K12. 

Remote Learning Format

April 6 – May 4 (tentative opening date)

Below are some bullet points of our remote learning plan.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to classroom teachers or me if you need guidance or support during this time. 

Teaching and Learning:

  • All classroom teachers including Music, Art, and P.E. will provide digital and instructional lessons using Google Classroom. All teachers will send you information about logging into Google Classroom.  Please do this BEFORE Monday, April 6, 2020 in case you need to reach out to your classroom teacher for support.
  • All classroom teachers will connect with students/families at least twice a week and offer daily office hours.  Please see your classroom teacher’s newsletter for those office hours.
  • All teachers are expected to check-in with their students via email and google classroom. 

Students with IEP’s and 504’s: 

  • All service providers (special education teachers, occupational and physical therapy, speech and language, counseling, behaviorist) will be in touch with families about how and when they will be providing services based on the most recent IEP/504 Plan grid that was accepted by the family.
  • Services will be at the rate of about 50% of what was in the student’s grid – which matches the half-day of schooling we are expected to provide.
  • Some services will be in “real time” through the phone or Google Classroom and some will come as pre-recorded lessons or assignments for practice.  Some services will be in small student groups based on similar needs even if they had been provided in other configurations previously.


  • Laptops have been loaned out to students who do not have a device.  Please contact me [email protected] if you need tech support.
  • There are three hot spots available in the town of Worthington.  The Town Hall, R.H. Conwell parking lot, and the Library all have a public hotspot for families to access.  When the weather is nice enough students can use the picnic tables to access those hot spots all the while practicing social distancing. 


Gretchen Morse-Dobosz
