Hampshire ss:
To either of the Constables of the Town of Worthington in the County of Hampshire.
GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town, qualified to vote in election and in Town affairs, to meet at the Town Hall in said Worthington on October 17, 2018, at 7:00 P.M., then and there to act on the following articles:
ARTICLE ONE: To see if the Town will vote to reduce by $5,576.00 the amount voted from the FY2018 Vocational Education Account to the Conwell Stabilization Fund in article twenty-six at the FY2019 Annual Town Meeting or take any action in relation thereto.
ARTICLE TWO: To see if the Town will vote to Raise and Appropriate the additional sum of $26,566.25 to fund the Group Insurance Account, or take any other action in relation thereto.
ARTICLE THREE: To see if the Town will vote to Appropriate and Transfer the sum of $4,000.00 from the General Stabilization Account to the Paper Compactor Account (#70433.90) to fund the concrete site work at the Transfer Station, any unused balance to revert back to the General Stabilization Fund, or take any other action in relation thereto.
ARTICLE FOUR: To see if the Town will vote to Transfer the balance of $6,357.27 from the North Cemetery Roads Account to the Sale of Lots Account,or take any other action in relation thereto.
ARTICLE FIVE: To see if the Town will vote to Appropriate and Transfer the sum of $172,325.00 from the General Stabilization Account to augment the Small Bridge Grant for the replacement of the Adams Road Bridge; any unused balance to revert back to the General Stabilization Account, or take any other action in relation thereto.
ARTICLE SIX: To see if the Town will vote to Appropriate and Transfer from the Stabilization Account the sum of $76,500.00 to augment the Route 143 Engineering and Design Project, any unused balance to revert back to the General Stabilization Account, or take any other action in relation thereto.
ARTICLE SEVEN: To see if the Town will vote to:
(a) Authorize the Selectboard to acquire by purchase, gift, eminent domain or otherwise, temporary easements for public way purposes, including without limitation, for the construction, alteration, installation, maintenance, improvement, repair, replacement and/or relocation of rights of way, sidewalks, drainage, utilities, driveways, guardrails, slopes, grading, rounding, landscaping, and other appurtenances and/or facilities, in order to enable the Town to undertake the Route 143 Road Project and for any and all purposes incidental or related thereto, in, on and under certain parcels of land and land adjacent to and within 200 feet of said parcels, said parcels located on Route 143 and shown more particularly on plans entitled “Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division Plan and Profile of Route 143 in the Town of Worthington Hampshire County” dated September 21, 2018, prepared by CHA Tech Services LLC, said plan on file with the Town Clerk, as said plans may be amended and/or incorporated into an easement plan;
(b) Dedicate and/or transfer to the Selectboard for the purpose of dedication, for the foregoing purposes, those portions of the Town-owned parcels of land shown on said plans, which parcels will otherwise continue be held by the boards and/or officers currently having custody thereof for the purposes for which they are held;
(c) Appropriate and Transfer from the General Stabilization Account thesum of $40,000.00 to fund the foregoing and any and all costs incidental or related thereto including, without limitation, the cost of any land/easement acquisitions; any unused balance to revert back to the General Stabilization Account and, further
(d) Authorize the Selectboard to enter into all agreements and take any and all actions as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate the foregoing purposes, or take any other action in relation thereto.
ARTICLE EIGHT: To see if the Town will vote to disband and dissolve the existing Municipal Light Board and to amend the General By-Law Section II – Elected Town Boards & Officers by deleting the words “A Municipal Light Board of three members for overlapping three year terms”, or take any other action in relation thereto.
ARTICLE NINE: To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding Chapter XV, Stretch Energy Code, for the purpose of regulating the design and construction of certain buildings for the effective use of energy, effective July 1, 2019, as follows:
Chapter XV – Stretch Energy Code
1. Purpose. The Stretch Energy Code is codified by the State Board of Building Regulations and Standards as Appendix 115.AA to 780 CMR, the Massachusetts Building Code. The Stretch Energy Code is based on the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), a model building energy code created by the International Code Council, with Massachusetts amendments. The IECC has been adopted by many state and municipal governments in the United States to establish minimum design and construction requirements for energy efficiency, and is updated on a three-year cycle.
2. Applicability. The Stretch Energy Code applies to new residential and commercial buildings.
3. Terms of Code. The Stretch Energy Code, 780 CMR Appendix 115.AA, including any future editions or amendments is incorporated by reference herein.
Given under our hands this 3rd day of October, 2018, I have served this warrant as directed.