New Highway Superintendent

—— Devon Wolf ——

The Selectboard is pleased to announce that Devon Wolf has been chosen as Worthington’s new Highway Superintendent. Devon has worked for the town of Worthington for 24 years. About 20 of those years for the Highway Department and for the last 4 years he has been Custodian and Building Manager at the Russell H. Conwell School.

— Cork Nugent —

We also want to thank the Screening Committee who assisted the Selectboard in the selection: Amy Wang (Selectboard Chair), John McDonald (former School Committee chair), Kevin O’Connor (Town Moderator) and Kirsten Henshaw (Treasurer & Tax Collector).

And we want to very much thank Cork Nugent for his 22 years of service to the town as Highway Superintendent.

In the meantime WE ARE HIRING! We need a new Building and Grounds Keeper at the School and we are still down 1 worker at the Highway Department.

Job Postings can be seen here.


  1. Patricia A Kennedy says:


  2. Congratulations Devon! Wishing you much success in your new endeavor!

  3. Awesome! Congratulations Devon. Well deserved

  4. Congrats Devon have great time doing a good job for Worthington.
    All the best

  5. Congratulations Devon. My best going forward

  6. congrats Devon and welcome back.

    Thanks Corkie for your efforts on behalf of the town

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