Winter Road Closings Hearing 11/6/2024

Public Hearing Notice

The Town of Worthington will hold a public hearing at Town Hall

November 6, 2024, at 6:30 PM
to discuss the discontinuance of winter maintenance on the following roads
from November 15, 2024, to May 1, 2025:

Almon Johnson RoadFeakes’ Driveway (#98) to West Street
Dingle RoadSamarov & Bell’s Driveway (at Old North Road) to Hall’s Driveway (#142)
Goss Hill RoadLombard’s Driveway (#264) to Chester Line
Kinne Brook RoadRed Bucket’s Driveway (#584) to Chester Line
Patterson RoadJustamere’s Driveway (#248) to Chester Line
Prentice RoadDasser’s Driveway (#130) to Fairman Road
South Worthington RoadBeyond Barry’s Driveway (#9)
Starkweather RoadRiver Road End will not be plowed
Thayer Hill RoadSweeney’s Driveway (#150) to Ryan’s Driveway (#215)
West StreetBarbehenne’s Driveway (#829) to Chester Line

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