R. H. Conwell Community News 9/20/2024

Dear Community:

We had so much fun during our Walk To School Day! Thanks to all the parents who joined us for our walk! Our next walk to school event will be on October 11. Hope you can join us!

Attendance at Conwell: Please take a peek at our attendance rates thus far this school year. We are off to a pretty good start!

Class Size1021141822
Day 190%95%93%100%95%
Day 290%100%100%100%100%
Day 390%95%100%100%100%
Day 490%100%100%100%100%
Day 580%95%100%100%100%
Day 690%95%100%100%95%
Day 790%90%100%100%100%
Day 890%86%86%89%100%
Day 9100%100%100%94%100%
Day 10100%95%100%94%100%
Day 1190%100%100%94%100%
Day 12100%90%93%72%95%
Day 1390%95%100%89%100%
Day 14100%95%100%89%100%
Day 15100%90%93%89%100%
Day 1690%90%93%89%95%
Day 17100%95%93%89%100%

Did you know that students that regularly attend school:

★ Read proficiently by the end of 3rd grade

★ Build relationships with their peers and learn how to work well together

★ Develop good habits for establishing routines and time management

Let’s keep up the great work, and support students’ academic and social growth by being present in school! Being present is powerful!

School Pictures: Should take about 3 – 4 weeks and retake day has been scheduled for November 8, 2024.

JOIN THE SCHOOL COUNCIL: Parents and community members are invited to join the school council.  What is a school council?. Our first meeting will be on October 25. If interested in joining, please read the link above with the full description and email Gretchen Morse-Dobosz .

Volunteer Opportunity:

The office is looking for someone to do our message board on a regular basis. Please contact Lisa Ouellet at louellet@rhconwell.org if this is something you would be interested in helping us with.

From The School Nurses: 

Respiratory viral season has officially started, and we are seeing it here at RH Conwell. Please review the Attendance Guidelines During Illness, Infection, or Injury, or check with Nurse Steph or Nurse Meg if you are unsure if you should send your student(s) to school. It is also important to note that there is no longer a mandatory isolation period for individuals who test positive for COVID-19. Instead please follow guidance from MDPH regarding respiratory viruses.

Here are some key precautions noted in their guidance:

If you develop any respiratory symptoms:

If you get a fever, or any other symptoms of respiratory illness, you should go home. Testing for COVID-19 and flu is encouraged, but no longer required.

You may begin to resume normal activities with some precautions when:

  1. You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines; AND
  2. Your symptoms are improving again

Then, take the recommended extra precautions during the next 5 days:

  • Avoid crowded indoor spaces
  • Wear a mask indoors around other people
  • Wash your hands often
  • Cover your coughs and sneezesIf you test positive for a respiratory virus, including COVID-19:
  • Take the same precautions as above, AND
  • Although not required, choosing to stay home for about 72 hours may help reduce the chances that you spread the virus to others.

We also wanted to make you aware of two upcoming vaccine clinics in WorthingtonPre-registration is preferred. WE HOPE YOU WILL JOIN US IN KEEPING OUR SCHOOL COMMUNITY HEALTHY THIS SEASON!

Please click on the clinic you would like to attend, and it will bring you to a pdf with a QR code to scan for registration. You may also go directly to the Color website to sign-up for the RH Conwell Clinic. COVID (Pfizer only for adults, Pfizer or Moderna for kids under 12) & FLU WILL BE OFFERED AT BOTH.

  1. Wednesday, September 25th (12-2pm) @ RH CONWELL Color Website to Register (9/25 clinic)
  2. Thursday, October 10th (1-3pm) @ TOWN HALL

Fresh Fruit & Veggies Snack Cart: Make sure to ask your child(ren) if they tried the Dragon Fruit, Celery, and/or pineapple during the weekly fresh fruit snack cart!

From The Cafeteria: Please join for Family Breakfast on September 27, 2024.

Watch for a sign-up sheet in your child(ren) folder. Adult breakfast meals are $4.00! Hope to see you then.

Just a reminder, If your child would like to have milk and just milk with their home lunch the cost is $.50. You can send in cash or a check made out to the “Town of Worthington” each day or I can put money on their lunch account and charge a milk. So, to clarify breakfast and lunch meals are free, but a single milk has to be purchased with a home lunch. They get milk with the school meal.

If you have any questions please email Ashley @ atompkins@rhconwell.org

Upcoming Events:

Sept 25: Noon Dismissal

Sept 25, 12-2: Flu and Covid Clinic at RHC, see above to register

Sept 27: Family Breakfast

Sept 27: All School Meeting beginning at 9:05

Have a wonderful weekend!

Gretchen Morse-Dobosz

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