My Yard has Been Invaded! with John Burns

August 10, 2024
4 to 5:30 pm
Worthington Library

It is one thing to battle the woods encroaching on our yards, but have you found that certain characters are particularly good at establishing dominance in your garden?

We’ll take a brief look at some of the typical invasives of the area and discuss different approaches to managing each one. Then we’ll have to look at new ones to arrive any day. You’ll want to greet them personally. Though a bit of a sad topic, Burnsie’s humor will keep you upbeat and optimistic as he presents approaches for dealing with each of these species on your property and give you hope that you can have your native plants and eat them too!

John Burns is the owner and operator of Burns Environmental, a private consulting company offering services primarily in rare plant and animal surveys. He also leads natural history classes and field trips both in the area and distant lands – Alaska, Brazil, Ecuador, Madagascar.

Previously, Burnsie worked for Native Plant Trust (previously New England Wild Flower Society) in the Conservation Department. There he was involved in native plant conservation throughout New England, including habitat and invasives management projects around rare plants and intact natural areas. The department was often called to address early detection species just arriving in the State.

This program is generously sponsored by the Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee.