Support the Worthington Library and other businesses, organizations and individuals this weekend.
If you’re stopping at the library to pick up a map or a sandwich,
please DO NOT PARK on the edges of the roundabout.
The Library Parking Lot is behind the library off of Buffington Hill Road.
The South Worthington Church Association will be selling sandwiches in front of the Worthington Library.
In addition to tag sale items being for sale in front of the South Worthington Church, the church will be open from 8-2. It’s a rare opportunity to view inside this historic Worthington Building. Be sure to drop in to see the lovely old church. It will be staffed by folks who can tell people about the history of the church.
The Worthington HIstorical Society will participate with various items held by WHS that were not made in Worthington and will be offered for sale at the WHS building.
The Historical Society is at Worthington Corners across the roundabout from the Library.