R. H. Conwell Community News 5/24/2024

Worthington School District
147 Huntington Road
Worthington, MA 01098

Dear Community:

Wild Day in ¾: Students in Mrs. O’s classroom spent the whole day outside on Wednesday. They engaged in several hands-on math, science, and art activities, cooked their lunch outside- including baking individual pies that they filled with berries and topped with whip cream. A huge thanks to Jaimie Ricci, Leah LaBarre and Fletcher Schneeflock for volunteering for this day of outdoor learning. Their support allowed for Mrs. O and Mrs. T to offer such a fun filled learning day outside in our backwoods!

Mark your calendars again! RH Conwell will host a BIKE RODEO on Saturday, June 1st!:

We have partnered with Safe Routes to School, Hampshire Regional Mountain Biking Club, Northampton Cycling Club and the Worthington REC Committee to offer this fun event to our community! The rodeo will run from 9:30 am-12 noon. We will have games, a skills course, safety information, bike and helmet decorating, snacks, and more!! Feel free to drop in anytime! Students preschool through sixth grade are welcome, and must be accompanied by a responsible adult. We kindly ask that middle and high school-aged siblings do not attend, or come as peer support. Our games and skills courses will be targeted for the elementary school level to foster a love for being physically active on a bicycle while also promoting road safety and etiquette!

Register here ASAP!!! STUDENTS MUST HAVE A HELMET TO PARTICIPATE and need to bring their own bicycle to ride. If your student would like to participate, but does not have a bicycle or a helmet, and your family is unable to provide one for them, please email Nurse Steph (sfaas@hr-k12.org). We are also accepting any donations of outgrown bicycles or helmets (that are not expired) and in good, working condition. If you have a donation, please also email Nurse Steph (sfaas@hr-k12.org).

First and Second graders had an animal presentation: The first and second graders did an amazing job with their animal projects! Students researched snakes, birds, red panda, fox, dolphin and dogs. They created the animal habitat and researched fun facts about their animal! Nice job first and second graders.

SAVE THE DATE FOR our Second Annual ARTS Night: 

Arts Night will be held on Wednesday, June 5th 6:00 to 7:15. See the agenda below.

Showcasing: School day art work and music students, After-School Program music students and student work

  • 6:00 to 6:30 Families can walk around to look at student work
  • 6:30 to 7:00 Music Performances
  • 7:00 to 7:15 Final chance to walk through to look at student work

News from the school nurses:

The sun’s rays are strong now and our winter softened skin can burn. Your students are outdoors more and more.

A few basic Sun Safety measures can help protect your child’s skin during the school day:

  • Applying sun-screen prior to school that is SPF 30 or higher
  • Encouraging your children to wear a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses during outdoor activities
  • Dressing children in cool, comfortable clothing that covers the body, like lightweight cotton pants and long-sleeved shirts

In Massachusetts’s schools, sunscreen is considered an over the counter medication. Sunscreen is included in our Over the Counter (OTC) meds on the Emergency form you completed at the beginning of the school year. We stock the brand NO AD SPF 30.

Sunscreen may also be provided by the parent and kept in the school’s health office. For the overall safety of all of our students and to protect those who may have an allergy or medical condition, sunscreen should not be in spray form. For further information or questions, please reach out to Nurse Meg and Nurse Steph.

Tick season is upon us! Please make sure to check your younger students for ticks when they get home, and encourage your older students to do a self check as well. More information on tick-borne disease prevention can be found here.

Upcoming Events:

May 29-31: Screen Free Days! (more info to follow) May 31: Family and COA BREAKFAST

June 1: Bike Rodeo! 9:30-12 June 4: Field Day

June 5: Arts Night 6:00 – 7:15

June 7: Walk to School Day and Preschool’s last day of school June 10: All School Meeting and Magic Show

June 11: 6th Grade Graduation 1:30 – 3:00

Have a wonderful long weekend! Warmly,

Gretchen Morse-Dobosz Superintendent/Principal

`Harvest Of The Month: SEAFOOD

This week the students got to try Shrimp! Many of the students took a sample of shrimp, and a lot of them came back for seconds and some thirds! They suggested we serve shrimp more often! I’m glad so many students sampled it!

Seafood is on the menu for May! We will be doing different seafood tastings throughout the month!

We are able to provide treats for special celebrations in the classrooms. Please check out the link here for more information and the order form.