Next up on February 23 at the Friday Night Cafe is Forest Avenue

Forest Avenue is a musical ensemble offering traditional music and original tunes. The group interprets tunes from a wide diaspora of cultures in ways that range from eccentric and reverent to dramatic and downright deconstructed. Members are Andy VanAssche, guitar; Désirée Lowit, fiddle; Eveline MacDougall, fiddle, viola, and accordion; and Dan Frank, mandolin and hurdy-gurdy. Together, the members of Forest Avenue bring broad experience and diverse viewpoints to the stage while still remaining strongly rooted in traditional music.
The show is from 7:00 – 9:00 at the Village Church in beautiful downtown Cummington in the heart of the Cummington Cultural District.
The event is free, donations are appreciated, snacks are provided, BYO drinks. The show will take place in the intimate Vestry space. Masks are welcome, and encouraged. Once again brought to you by the friendly folks at the Village Church who believe music can be a powerful force for building community.
Friday Night Cafe receives promotional support from the Cummington Cultural District, and is supported in part by grants from the Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, Hinsdale-Peru, Plainfield, Williamsburg, Windsor, and Worthington Cultural Councils, local agencies which are supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.