Transfer Station Updates

Reminder: The due date for 2021/22 Transfer Station registration is August 15, 2021.

Please be sure to fill out the Application and pay the appropriate fees. The 2022 Disposal Sticker Application is available here. You can leave your completed application with payment in the Dropbox outside the door at Town Hall or mail it to:
Disposal Application
Town of Worthington
PO Box 247
Worthington MA 01098

We received a complaint recently regarding what is able to be added as paper to the Paper Recycling Compactor. The town is no longer able to place any kind of shredded paper into our paper compactor for recycling. This is true regardless of how the paper was shredded, whether by hand, scissors or mechanical shredder. Shredded paper is shredded paper.

This change was made July 1, 2020, when we signed a new contract with the Springfield Materials Recycling Facility (MRF).  The matter is out of our hands.  Shredded paper is unmanageable when dumped on the floor of the facility and is not gear and conveyor-belt friendly.  The rest of the State’s MRFs have not accepted shredded paper for years. 

Below are several options:

  • To get confidential documents shredded and recycled, bring them to area copy shops, office supply and shipping stores for secure shredding.  Valley Green Shredding in Westfield offers drop-off services (, 413 461-3333). 
  • Some local banks sponsor free spring and fall shredding events.  The material that is shredded in these programs in delivered directly to paper mills which avoids the scattering and contamination that ensues at a recycling facility.
  • As a carbon source, shredded paper is a wonderful addition to your compost pile.

If all else fails, dispose of shredded paper as trash.

Thanks for your understanding. It’s important to understand that the Trarnsfer Station Attendant’s job is to enforce the rules as she understands them. She DOES NOT MAKE THE RULES. If you have a concern or disagreement with enforcement of the rules at the Transfer Station or anything else to do with it’s operation, please address those concerns to the Selectboard. You can always call Peggy in the Selectboard Office, or any of us at home. The entire Selectboard can be reached at [email protected]. We are always happy to address any concerns at a regular Selectboard Meeting.