Here are the poll results from the question about possibly changing the frontage requirements for building a home in Worthington.

This was an opinion poll which the Selectboard decided to conduct following a query to the Planning Board from a town resident as to whether the town might consider reducing frontage requirements as a way to create some new building lots in town where the existing landowner does not have 800 ft of frontage to enable the creation of 2 building lots (one for the existing house and the other for a new residential building).
As you can see from the Poll results, about 53% of the town favors making a change, but they don’t agree on how much. Slightly less than that, 47% of the town, favors leaving frontage as is.
The Planning Board has decided to look into possible solutions such as a Zoning Overlay where a specified part of town might permit smaller frontage requirements, or the creation of districts which might allow smaller frontage in particular areas.
Please remember that any proposed changes to zoning bylaws must be presented to the town in public hearings and voted on at a Town Meeting. All public hearings are advertised in the Country Journal and are posted on the bulletin boards outside the Corners Store and outside Town Hall and on the town website for two weeks prior to the hearing.
Input from all town residents is always welcome at any Planning Board meeting or hearing. At this time all meetings and hearings are remote, but attendance can be by telephone if online attendance isn’t possible. You can also address a letter to the Planning Board at Town Hall.
Thank you to all those who participated in the poll and for the comments from those who chose to leave a comment.
Amy Wang
Planning Board Chair