Dear Community,
Hope this message finds you well. So thrilled to share that the tents arrived a week early! The students’ energy today was palpable!

As they watched the tents go up they began sharing stories about their fall experiences learning outside! We will wait for the building inspector and fire marshall to inspect the tents and hope to have a move-in day next Friday!
Governor Baker has opened up vaccine clinics for teachers and on Wednesday, Mr. K, and I happened to have our first vaccine appointment at the same location and same time! We took a moment to take a selfie afterwards!
Book Fair: The book fair will be open tomorrow, Saturday, March 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We ask that community members coming to the school cafeteria for the book fair use hand sanitizer and sign in, practice social distancing, wear a mask and to be mindful of others while shopping! There will be a limited amount of browsers allowed at one time. Thank you for your cooperation.
You can also visit our Book Fair online:
Calling all Kindergarten Families: The Kindergarten team invites you to join us for a zoom open house on Saturday April 10 at 10:00 AM. We will talk about and show you what a day in Kindergarten looks like at R.H Conwell Elementary school and provide time at the end to answer any questions you may have about this exciting transition for your child and family. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Kindergarten teacher, Sam Briotta: [email protected].
Topic: Kindergarten Open House Time: Apr 10, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 977 9588 4371 Passcode: 482464 One tap mobile+16468769923,,97795884371# US (New York) |
Kindergarten School Choice: The school committee voted to allow our district to participate in school choice for the 2021-2022 school year. We currently have openings in the kindergarten class. Please follow the link for the School Choice application. The due date is April 16, 2021.
School choice Application for SY 2021-2022.pdf
Preschool: We were surprised by the sheer number of families interested in our preschool. We received 26 applications for the integrated preschool classroom! We would like to thank all the families who reached out to us via email and submitted their application. Our obligation is to Worthington families and current school choice families and siblings.
Enrichment Program: The after-school program is applying for the DESE 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant. If we are awarded this grant it would begin this summer and would be available for the next 5 years. The goal of the grant is to provide interactive, relevant, and engaging programming during the school year and summer. To help us in our planning we are asking for parent/guardian input. This survey is for parents/guardians of Conwell Elementary School’s remote and in-person students who are currently in grades preschool through grade 5. Please complete this survey by Monday, March 29 if you are interested in having your child/children attend this year’s summer program and/or next year’s school year program.
Here is the link for the survey:
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!
Hilltown Family Center
Celebrate spring with a family hike and a story. Registration is required for our Hilltown Family Center guided StoryWalks of It’s Spring! on Sunday March 28th at Noble View Outdoor Center in Russell. Each registered child will bring home a book. Register here: Appalachian Mountain Club – Event Listings ( |
School Calendar: School Committee voted to approve the calendar for the upcoming school year. You can find a copy of it here:
Worthington School District Calendar for 2021-2022.pdf
A Weekly Covid Update from the Nurse’s Office (3/26/2021)
Number of positive cases within the school community: 0 Overall health of the school community: Healthy We are continuing to have great success with our health and safety protocols within our school community, and we continue to thank you all for your support in keeping our students safe and in person learning. |
- April 1, 2021: School Committee meeting @ 6:30 PM. We’ll review the new changes in the budget and discuss whether we need to make any other changes and the committee will vote to approve a draft budget to present at the district hearing on 4/8.
- April 8, 2021: School Budget hearing and regular scheduled meeting @ 6:30PM.
- April 19- 23: Spring Break
- April 28, 2021: Picture Day
- April 29, 2021: Rain Date or Make-ups
Gretchen Morse-Dobosz,