News for the Community from Superintendent/Principal Dobosz – 3/12/2021

Greetings Community,

Hope you have enjoyed these last few days of spring like weather!  It’s lovely to see the students shed their layers and enjoy time outside and the sunshine!

This Saturday is the one year anniversary of the COVID lockdown and beginning of this pandemic.  Many social media and news organizations are inviting viewers to share the final picture they took before the coronavirus was declared a pandemic.  These images are incredibly striking for me because you see groups of people without masks, people attending concerts and sporting events, family reunions, couples at dinner, and people hugging one another tightly.  These photographs captured treasured moments for people and reminds me of how much I miss the way things were before the pandemic.  I am curious what treasured moment in a photo you captured before the pandemic and lockdown.  I invite all members of the school and the Worthington community to share their last photo before the coronavirus and we will create a slideshow with these photos to be shared with everyone.  Please email me your photo at [email protected]

Preschool:  If you or someone you know is interested in preschool for next school year, please fill out the preschool registration form.  Preschool Registration Form  

Enrichment:  Session 4 of the After-School Program starts next Monday, March 15!  We have added a day for each classroom to stay after and our pick-up time has been extended to 5:00 p.m. . The program is free to all R.H. Conwell students!  Each classroom cohort will remain separate during the program. Follow the link for the registration materials.  Registration Session Four.docx 

Please return them as soon as possible by email to [email protected] or have your child return them to their classroom teacher.  The program will offer different activities based on the interest of the students who register. Students will have different choices each day.

Activities to include:

*Outdoor Exploration   * Future Inventors   *Disk Golf  *Acting & Improv   *Games & Challenges             *Art  *Archery gr. 3 to 6   * D&D gr. 5&6 on Thursday 

Our new schedule is:  

  • Monday and Tuesday: Kindergarten and Grades 1&2 
  • Wednesday and Thursday: Grades 3&4 and Grades 5&6

A Weekly Covid Update from the Nurse’s Office (3/12/2021)

Number of positive cases within the school community: 0
Overall health of the school community: Healthy
We are continuing to have great success with our health and safety protocols within our school community, and we continue to thank you all for your support in keeping our students safe and in person learning.


  • March 22 – March 30:  Scholastic Book Fair 
  • March 26, 2021:  Report Cards go home
  • March 26, 2021:  Noon dismissal
  • April 8, 2021:  School Budget hearing and regular scheduled meeting @ 6:30PM.


Gretchen Morse-Dobosz,