On behalf of the Town of Worthington and personally, I’d like to thank the over 75 organizations, individuals, and couples for their generous donations to the Covid-19 Relief Meals program this past year. To date we have served over 1,070 meals to folks who are in need.

The meals have been prepared and distributed from the Rabbit Hole Restaurant at the Fiddlehead Inn. The funds raised have been used exclusively to purchase the food and supplies (serving containers, etc.). Hunt Chase and his family, ownors of the restaurant, have generously donated their time and facilities for the food preparation. I’m sure they’d appreciate a thank you when you dine there. In addition, Penny Molyneux has generously donated both her time and resources to provide cookies to accompany each meal.

With this support, and the generous contributions of donors, we have raised a little over $18,000 for this effort to date. We’ve been able to keep the cost of each meal to approximately $5. This means we’ll be able to continue the meals program for the time being, once a week on Sundays.
We’d also like to acknowledge the several volunteers in town who’ve made food deliveries each week including Evan Johnson, Pat Kennedy, Mary Kay Foley and Paul Dunlevy. (There may be someone who helped out last Spring that I forgot. If so, my apologies.) They have ensured that everyone who needs a meal gets one.
I really can’t thank everyone enough for their donations. It’s heartening to know we live amongst a very caring community.
Take care and let’s hope that 2021 brings us better days.
Charley Rose
Worthington Selectboard