The Worthington Council on Aging is sponsoring a bus trip to the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge on Friday, June 28, 2019.

Visit the museum, stroll the grounds and see Norman Rockwell’s studio. In addition to Rockwell’s works, the current special exhibition is titled “Woodstock to the Moon: 1969 Illustrated.” In celebration of Norman Rockwell Museum’s 50th Anniversary, we look back at the many ways illustrators portrayed news events and reflected popular culture in 1969.
Admission to the museum is free thanks to sponsorship by Highland Foundation’s “Free Fun Friday.”

Transportation will be via the FRTA Easy Ride Van and there will be a fee of $5. If you have not already registered to ride the FRTA bus you will need to fill out an application. (Call Phyllis or Helen at the numbers below for more information.)
Lunch will be at a location to be announced and the cost will the responsibility of each participant.
Meet at the Congregational Church parking lot at 9am and the trip will return by 4pm.

Call Phyllis Dassatti at 413-238-5962 or Helen Pelletier at 413-238-4418 to make a reservation and/or with any questions. Please reserve your place early as there is limited passenger seating. There will be no refunds after June 21, 2019.