Cell Phone Tower Hearing – February 20, 2019

The Planning Board half of the hearing has been postponed until the Balloon Test can be rescheduled.

Pursuant to MA General Laws Ch 40A, section 11, as amended, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board for the Town of Worthington will hold a joint public hearing on Wednesday, February 20 at 7:15 pm at the Town Hall, 160 Huntington Rd. The hearing is being held in connection with an application of TowerNorth Development, LLC for a Special Permit under section XI of the Zoning By-laws, as amended, to allow the applicant to build a wireless communication facility.  The affected premises are located on 458 Old North Road (Assessors’ Map 406. Lot 9). The application and supporting documents are on file with the Town Clerk and may be inspected during her business hours and are linked below. 

Worthington Zoning Board of Appeals – Edward Ferguson, Chair

Worthington Planning Board – Amy Wang, Chair

Site Maps & Graphics (PDF above)

Application for Special Permit

Applicaton for Zoning Variance

Abutters List