This test took place on February 7, but visibility was too low for it to be considered satisfactory. The re-test on February 12 has been delayed due to expected inclement weather. The new date will be posted as soon as it’s available.
TowerNorth Development, LLC will conduct a balloon test pursuant to Section XI and Section VIII.C.2 of the Worthington Zoning Bylaw on Thursday, February 7, 2019, beginning at 8:30 A.M. and continuing for eight (8) hours, off of Old North Road, Worthington, MA, also known as Worthington Assessors Map 406, Lot 9 (458 Old North Rd). This is in connection with an application for a Special Permit filed by TowerNorth Development, LLC, with the Planning Board to construct a wireless communication facility at the aforementioned location. In the event of inclement weather the balloon test will be conducted on Tuesday February 12, 2019 at the same time and place.