Upcoming Dates:
October 15: PTO Meeting in Library at 3:30 p.m.
October 26: Family Lunch at 12:00 p.m. AND
Movie Night sponsored by PTO starting at 6:30 p.m.
November 5: PTO Meeting in Library at 3:30 p.m.
November 8: Half Day – Dismissal at 12:00 for Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 9: Half Day – Dismissal at 12:00 for Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 12: No School – Veteran’s Day
November 16: Thanksgiving Feast (Details to come.)
November 21: Half Day – Dismissal at 12:00
November 22 – 23: No School – Thanksgiving Break

Mr. Cleland’s class took the lead at our last all school meeting.
Hello Conwell Families!
We’re pretty much in full swing now that we’ve arrived in the middle of October. It’s tough to believe that 30 days of school have already passed. It’s an exciting time for the first and second graders. The first graders are really starting to hit their stride and becoming more proficient readers along with learning some difficult math concepts. The second graders are much like the first graders – they’re just further along at this point!
We have spent lots of time getting all the children used to the arrangement this year wherein the first grade is split between Ms. Ahrensdorf’s room and my room for the morning. All the kids have adapted to this really well and it’s been great to see how the different classrooms support and encourage one another when they all come together.
If you have not already, please contact your child’s classroom teacher to schedule a parent-teacher conference on either November 8th or 9th.
Chris “Mr.” Cleland
Such a special treat when preschool gets out to the big playground!
Box Tops: We are still collecting Box Tops for Education. We even have a bucket at the Corners Grocery Store! Please continue to send them into the school! We have a goal to collect 1000 before October 26 and we are up to 150!
SAVINGS MAKES CENTS: Thank you to Elaine Chase for volunteering for our Savings Makes Cents program. Sign up sheets went home last Friday and we will start on Thursday, October 25. Please send your child in with completed forms and money to deposit.
WIPES AND TISSUES ARE NEEDED. If you are able to donate any, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you! We are also looking for donations of metal forks for the cafeteria.
Morning Wraparound: Hi Conwell families. My name is Theresa Pease and I will be working for Susan Warner in the morning wraparound program. I am EEC Pre-k teacher certified and have my Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education. I have been working with children from infant to twelve years old for eighteen years and look forward to this new roll. I am very excited to provide quality care for your child’s morning and look forward to meeting everyone. Please contact me at 413-238-5804 or tpease@hr-k12.org.
Community Announcements
Community members are encouraged to forward their news and announcements to louellet@hr-k12.org Entries must be received by Friday at noon to be included in the following week’s newsletter. Please include the words “newsletter entry” in the subject of your email.