Fall Mountain Air – A Trip to Mount Greylock

September 27, 2019 Enjoy lunch at the Lakeside Restaurant on Pontoosuc Lake following your mountain advernture. (Lunch tabs will be handled on an individual basis.) $8 includes Easy Ride cost and expenses. Meet the Easy Ride Van at 9am at the Worthington Congregational Church. The bus will return at 4pm. For more information and to …

R. H. Conwell Roofing Begins

You may have noticed the yellow caution tape around the R. H. Conwell Elementary School in the last few weeks. Work has begun on reroofing most of the school. The roof was damaged during a wind storm last winter and insurance coverage is allowing us to replace all the shingled roofing and repair the flat …

South Worthington Conwell Sunday

Please join us at the South Worthington Historic Church this Sunday 8/18 from 2:00-3:00 for our traditional Conwell Sunday (aka South Worthington Sunday) gathering! This year, we are especially pleased to have historian Dennis Picard who will share with us a living history presentation entitled “Run Away from His Master: A Journey on the Underground …

Sarah Clay Rescheduled

Sarah Clay: Moon & Stars Songs of Celestial Bodies A Themed Concert and Talk by Sarah Clay, Accompanied by Draa Hobbs This concert, originally scheduled for August 13, 2019, at the Worthington Public Library has been rescheduled for Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 7pm. Vocalist/flutist Sarah Clay sings in three languages and swings for the fences. …

Adams Road Bridge Replacement Begins!

It’s been another long slog with its own set of twists and turns on the path toward fixing our little bridge on Adams Road. We’re pleased to report that work finally commenced this past week. The bridge was closed by the Department of Transportation We submitted an application for a grant to fix it in …