Kyle Carey ‘Gaelic Americana’ Concert

Saturday, October 5 at 7pm at the Worthington Library Kyle Carey’s unique trans-Atlantic fusion includes influences of the American Folk Anthology, the traditional music of Cape Breton, Ireland and Scotland, and the Appalachian poetry of Louise McNeill. A fluent Scottish Gaelic speaker, Kyle has released three albums— all critically acclaimed, and all a direct and …

Community Health Needs Assessment

The Hilltown Community Health Center is conducting the 2019 Community Needs Assessment. As part of the assessment they need the community and patient’s feedback. Please help improve the services received at HCHC and ensure they’re meeting the community’s needs. To get started – Please use the link below:

Comcast Update 9/26/2019

I know we are all anxious for an update regarding the Comcast buildout and eventual service.  It’s the first question I get from most people in town and I do finally have updated information.  I’ll try not to bury the lead here and cut to the chase.  It now looks like we aren’t likely to …

Night of the Living Dead V

Saturday, September 7, at 7:00pm Center Cemetery, Sam Hill RoadApproximately half a mile west of Route 112, between Route 112 and West Street. Free admission. In 2014 the longtime residents of Center Cemetery emerged from their graves to share their inextinguishable memories with the living. Other residents were envious and have waited five years for …

Worthington Historical Commission Vacancies

The Worthington Historical Commission was created by Town Meeting in 1973. It consists of five members who serve staggered three year terms. No new appointments have been made in several years, and there are no current members of the Commission. We’ve had some interest in reviving this commission with new appointees. These are voluntary unpaid …

Old North Road Cell Tower Update

We’ve had a number of inquiries about the proposed cell tower off Old North Road. The Worthington Planning Board approved their application and the Zoning Board of Appeals approved their request to extend the tower 50 feet higher than our Zoning By-Laws allow several months ago. The company that is building the tower is under …